Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Learning to identify the main ideas in a story

I am learning to:
  • identify the main ideas in a story
  • discuss the beginning, middle and ending of stories

It's hard to retell the story because sometimes it takes a while.  I like doing easy books, shorter stories are easy.  Tsung Wai  23.11.17

Monday, November 20, 2017

Money Madness

We have been learning to:
  • recognise and identify NZ coins and notes and their values
  • make amounts by totalling coins and notes using tens and ones
  • make amounts in different ways

Reflection:  I was learning to add up money.  It was easy for me to add up the dollars and the cents.  Maybe I can learn some harder ones.  Tsung Wai  21.11.17

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Describing Fireworks

We have been learning to:  

  • use interesting words (wow)
  • use describing words and verbs
  • use our senses, (what we see, hear, feel etc)
  • use a language feature like: onomatopoeia, similes