Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Learning to Make a Connection

I am learning to make a personal connection to the text.
  • think of a time when...

Reflection:  It was hard for me to make a connection.  I liked talking about it in my group.  Tsung Wai  22.08.17

Well done Tsung Wai, you showed great resilience by trying your best and having a go.  Keep asking for help when you need it.  Mrs Templeton  22/09/17

Monday, August 21, 2017

Geometry: Classifying 3D shapes

I have been learning to, name, sort, describe and classify 3D shapes using my own words and the language of geometry

I could name the shapes.  I could check them with the shapes and count the edges.
It was a little bit tricky.  Tsung Wai  18.08.17

Well done Tsung Wai, you managed really well with this challenge.  You have learned the names really quickly and can identify things about each shape.  Mrs Templeton 18.08.17

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Maori Patterns: Tā moko

In Term 2 and 3 we have been learning about Maori patterns.  We went to the Auckland museum.  Look at my moko!  At the Te Tuhi art gallery, we created our "WE ARE AOTEAROA, NEW ZEALAND" art.  It looks amazing on our classroom wall.