Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Learning to identify the main ideas in a story

I am learning to:
  • identify the main ideas in a story
  • discuss the beginning, middle and ending of stories

It's hard to retell the story because sometimes it takes a while.  I like doing easy books, shorter stories are easy.  Tsung Wai  23.11.17

Monday, November 20, 2017

Money Madness

We have been learning to:
  • recognise and identify NZ coins and notes and their values
  • make amounts by totalling coins and notes using tens and ones
  • make amounts in different ways

Reflection:  I was learning to add up money.  It was easy for me to add up the dollars and the cents.  Maybe I can learn some harder ones.  Tsung Wai  21.11.17

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Describing Fireworks

We have been learning to:  

  • use interesting words (wow)
  • use describing words and verbs
  • use our senses, (what we see, hear, feel etc)
  • use a language feature like: onomatopoeia, similes

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Exhibit for Elm Park School Art Display

We created decorative Maori kites, weaving in colours and textures to represent 'We are Elm Park"

Monday, September 4, 2017

Daffodil Diamante

I am learning to write a Diamante Poem 

  • use interesting (WOW) words to describe Daffodils 
  • use a graphic organiser to help me form my diamond po

It was a little bit hard to think of the words and to choose the ones in the lines.  Tsung Wai 01.09.17

Well done Tsung Wai, you showed showed great resilience to work towards your personal best.
Mrs Templeton  01.09.17

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Learning to Make a Connection

I am learning to make a personal connection to the text.
  • think of a time when...

Reflection:  It was hard for me to make a connection.  I liked talking about it in my group.  Tsung Wai  22.08.17

Well done Tsung Wai, you showed great resilience by trying your best and having a go.  Keep asking for help when you need it.  Mrs Templeton  22/09/17

Monday, August 21, 2017

Geometry: Classifying 3D shapes

I have been learning to, name, sort, describe and classify 3D shapes using my own words and the language of geometry

I could name the shapes.  I could check them with the shapes and count the edges.
It was a little bit tricky.  Tsung Wai  18.08.17

Well done Tsung Wai, you managed really well with this challenge.  You have learned the names really quickly and can identify things about each shape.  Mrs Templeton 18.08.17

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Maori Patterns: Tā moko

In Term 2 and 3 we have been learning about Maori patterns.  We went to the Auckland museum.  Look at my moko!  At the Te Tuhi art gallery, we created our "WE ARE AOTEAROA, NEW ZEALAND" art.  It looks amazing on our classroom wall.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Choosing words to add interest to my Writing

I am learning to choose words to add interest to my Writing

Welcome to Autumn

Autumn leaves fell all over Elm Park School. This gave us a great idea. We used Kidpix to make our own leaves and illustrate our awesome autumn writing.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Learning about the plot, setting and characters in a story

I am learning to...

  • discuss the plot, 
  • explain the setting
  • describe the characters

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Learning to Plan my Writing

I am learning to use a plan to organise my ideas for writing.

I will be successful when:

  • I plan my ideas before I write
  • I use quick pictures and words
  • I think of first, after, next
  • my writing includes the ideas from my plan

I think I can do it.  I could think of the ideas and write them.  I just used words.  Tsung Wai 10.04.17
A great beginning to planning.  I like the way you used quick pictures and words. This will help you write longer and more interesting stories over several days.  Mrs Templeton

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Learning to identify phonic letters and sounds within words

This term I have been learning to:
  • identify phonic letters and sounds within words
  • identify high frequency sight words 
  • use Reading Eggs to help me learn to identify sounds 

I was learning to spin the wheel to match the items and look carefully 
to find the words to match it.  It helped me to read words.  In my reading
I'd like to "read and then do a quiz and try to remember stuff it was"
Tsung Wai  30.03.17

Tsung Wai, you show great resilience when you reflect on your learning and think
of your next steps.  Well done.   Mrs Templeton  30.03.17

Statistics: Learning to sort, count, display and make statements about the information

I have been learning to: 
  • sort objects into categories for display and make a class pictograph with support
  • discuss the results and make statements

I learned about who had more or less, like who was using more stuff.
I tried my best and made things for the class pictographs.  I liked the colour graph with flowers, the favourite colour was blue.  Tsung Wai  30.03.17

Well done Tsung Wai, I like the way you are beginning to reflect on your learning.  You have done well to work out who has more or less but working out the differences was more tricky.
Mrs Templeton  30.03.17

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Water Safety: Learning to be safe and confident in and around water.

I am learning to be safe and confident in and around water.

This term I have been learning to move safely through the water:  walking and   
holding on to a noodle.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Welcome to my 2017 Learning Journey

This year I am in Room 10/16 and my teacher is Mrs Templeton.