Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Teacher Pleaser Explanation Activity

IALT identify the features of an explanation text
I was able to find and identify the feature of an explanation text
I found this hard because i did not remember a bit of how explanations work
My next step is to learn more about explanations

Monday, September 14, 2020

Recognise Decimal Fractions

IALT recognise decimal fractions 
I was able to drag and drop to sort decimal,word names and fraction
I found this easy because I know what decimal and fractions look like 
My next step is to learn more about equivalent fractions

Friday, July 24, 2020

Vocabulary Sort

WALT recognise and sort the different parts of speech.
I was able to sort noun,verb,adjective and adverb.
I found this hard because i did not know what all the words mean but I tried to guess witch box they go in.My next step is to tell the different of adjective and adverbs.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Telling Time

WALT tell time

i was able to I know the difference between am and pm,I can read and tell the time in 5-minute intervals to the hour on analogue clocks,I can convert time between analogue and digital clocks,I can sequence given times,I understand 24 hour time.

i found this challenging because i don't know my half past that much.

My next step is to learn about half past.